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Hey! Thanks for clicking over here. What fires me up is engaging teaching, preaching and speaking that is authentic, Biblical, inspiring and meaningful on deep levels. I love it. I love listening to it and I love when God uses me in those moments to impact people toward a deeper relationship with Him. I have been blessed with a lot of opportunities to speak to diverse audiences covering a broad range of topics and I would love to have the opportunity to talk to you about whether we would be a good fit for your next event.

Check out my bio!

Speaking: Keynote Talks, Breakout Sessions/Trainings, Retreat Speaking, Conference Speaking, Youth, Adult.

“Josh Ott is the real deal. He’s an encourager but not with hollow words. He’s not interested in religious platitudes or helping people do more of the same but with a sense of greater happiness. He’s interested in living on purpose as a disciple of Christ. He is as committed to grow and make a difference in the lives of others as anyone I have met in years. His personal commitment comes through in his messages. If you want authenticity, a fresh challenge to live for Christ in today’s world, and encouragement, consider inviting Josh to come and speak. “

- Eddie Cole, Life Point Hampton Roads


"I book 10 speakers each summer and every year for the last 10 years, Josh has been rated by students as the best.  He is a passionate, creative, honest, Biblical teacher.  I've never seen a speaker make as much as an impact on a personal level as Josh Ott.

- Derek Hodne, Program Director, Camp Orchard Hill, Dallas, PA